
LO Products GmbH Innovative in threeD, programming and industrial services


Maintenance evaluation

Concurrent design verification enables identification of upcoming in-service problems in an early state of the development process.

Analyses features like for example human ergonomic investigations are available to validate products today against the future population on entry into service.

This is where our business started once.

Technical publication

The tech pub department from Rolls-Royce Germany decided in December 2011 to publish their in-service operation related documents in the future additionally with focus on mobile usage.

Cortona RapidAuthor technology was selected to provide interactive manuals and catalogues to the customer. We were in charge with that kind of content creation from the beginning of the project.

Engine Illustrated Parts Catalogues (EIPC), Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM), Engine Maintenance Manuals (EMM), Service Bulletins (SB) and training tutorials are available for Rolls Royce customers via single sign on from

Example files are provided within the Tech Pub App from iTunes App Store.

The published output enables also the usage within MSIE browser and additional plugin.

Software development and web services

LORRD is a server side web application that helps to get content onto mobile devices and that makes it easy to keep that content up to date. A bundle splitting mechanism simplifies the download of huge datasets. The platform enables the user furthermore to open content directly within the browser. It is available for all customers of the Rolls-Royce engine type BR725.

3D Data preparation takes the most of available time when creating content. The further development of IT processes will connect systems that results in saving time and resources - but slowly. In the meantime we’re on development of a data preparation solution that fills this gap.

SmartDMU is a solution that provides viewing capabilities for large 3D datasets on standard PC hardware. It supports involved people on development chain to get and held the overview on creation and modification of complex products. An automated data preparation process keeps content up to date.

LOgMiner collects logging data from heterogeneous platforms. The first release has rudimentary analysis and viewing capabilities, it is under further development.


Partner network

3dims 3Dims
Visual stereo solutions
Bishop Bishop
Aeronautical Engineers
Development partner for structure, cabins, systems,
system integration, software and electronics - engineering services from single source
In Gen X INGenX Technologies
Technology Consulting and Technology Development
Embedded Systems & Software | Functional Safety
Moc ministry of code
Development and conception of web-based backend systems
Net Allied Systems NetAllied Systems
Customized, automated 3D data preparation processes | visualization tools


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LO Products GmbH
Schweriner Str. 29
38444 Wolfsburg
Tel +49 5361 89 82 007 | info(AT)

Geschäftsführung: Gunnar Cladow, André Harms, Rodryk Olejnik, Marc Scharnow
Datenschutzbeauftragter: Externer Datenschutzbeauftragter

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 124058
VAT ID: DE267838260

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